
Add documentation in the code (something similar to Doxygen)

Panquesito7 opened this issue ยท 4 comments

Something similar to an issue in the Julia repository. See TheAlgorithms/Julia#7.

eshom commented

This might be possible using the knitr package. Specifically with knitr::spin(), which can convert R scripts to documents. This won't be as sophisticated as what Doxygen generates, and unfortunately Roxygen2 only works on packages, not individual R scripts.

That sounds fine, I guess. I don't really know too much about R, but we could start working on it. For PR reviewing, I could do documentation reviews, and someone else can do the code reviews if that's fine for you. ๐Ÿ™‚

eshom commented

I've made a small repository demonstrating how documentation could be generated from scripts using the knitr package.
The documentation generation could be automated using github actions. I'm not too familiar with it, so github actions aren't included in the example currently.


Looks great! Great job, @eshom! And about the GitHub Actions thingy, I could try to work on it. ๐Ÿ™‚