
No TypeScript results on website

SpiderMath opened this issue · 2 comments

Screenshot from 2022-10-07 00-09-51
Despite having a binary convert implementation on the TypeScript repository, I don't see anything on the website. Same for the other algorithms added in here.
Even the link given to the site gives a 404 😶

I believe the site hasn't been updated yet. That's an issue for the site repo.

The language must be added to the languages list for the website.
To add TypeScript to the list, follow the next steps:

  1. Go to lib/repositories.ts.
  2. After Lua, add a new field with the following content:
  typescript: {
    name: "TypeScript",
    allowedFiles: [".ts"],
    baseDir: "./",
  1. Save the file and then go to components/icon/index.tsx.
  2. After the lua case, insert a new case:
case "typescript":
    return icon("typescript", colored ? "original" : "plain");
  1. Commit your changes, push, and make a pull request.
  2. That's it! You've made a PR 🎉 You need to wait until a maintainer reviews your PR. 🙂

Any further help you need, let us know!