
AppImageLauncher breaks non-AppImage

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Pre-submit checks

  • I checked for similar issues beforehand, but could not find any, not even closed ones. I could not add my bug report to any existing issue.
  • I am going to take the time to to fill in all the required details. I know that the bug report will be dismissed otherwise.

Describe the bug

Opening a .run file while AppImageLauncher is installed, opens the integration prompt and ultimately fails.

Expected behavior

AppImageLauncher should not intervene with non-AppImages

Steps to reproduce the issue

Try running this on a system with AppImageLauncher installed: (I cannot vouch for the safety of this, as it is a proprietary application.)


No response

Distribution and desktop environment

Debian Testing with Cinnamon

Installed AppImageLauncher version

AppImageLauncher version 2.2.0 (git commit 0f91801), built on 2020-09-29 21:36:15 UTC

List of AppImages you tried

No response

Additional context

No response

What makes you think that .run thing is not an AppImage? It is! It is that company that needs to "hide" that if they want to. But AppImageLauncher is entirely right there.

Edit: the file is an AppImage, no matter the file extension.