
feature: option to customize mocha template

fcurella opened this issue · 9 comments

right now the .feature files gets converted to a mocha test using a hardcoded template. Would be nice if we could pass an option to the preprocessor to override the template

Could you explain a bit more what's the usecase here? Maybe an example of a different template/structure you would possibly like to use?

I'd like to use a template that would gather the scenario's tags and skip the test if they don't match a specific list.

oh, I see. Like a @Focus or @ignore. Where would you put the list that decides what to ignore/what to exclusively focus on?

I'm using an environment variable called CYPRESS_TAGS, which I then read with Cypress.env('TAGS').split(',').

Another use case I just found is adding my own beforeEach.

Specifically, the app I'm testing stores the authentication token in a cookie. But because the template is rendering every step as a different test, Cypress is clearing the cookie after the login. So my solution was to add:

    beforeEach(function () {

To the template, and that cookie is retained through the feature.

@fcurella I'm thinking more about this.. is the cookie removed in between steps of a single scenario? or between separate scenarios?

@lgandecki between steps, since each step is converted to a single test

aside from the fact that it might be nice to have dynamic templates, I think preserving cookie and the local storage should be a default inside a scenario, what do you think?
Once this is done it will be much easier to do this properly:


but we can have a temporary solution . This is not really usable if we clear cookies and local storage betwen every it :)

Due to personal reasons, the previous maintainers of this package are stepping down and handing the reigns over to me, a long-time contributor to the project and a user of it myself. This is a responsibility I'm very excited about. Furthermore, I'd like to thank @lgandecki ++ for all the work that they've done so far.

Read more about the transfer of ownership here.

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