
solve CB Multipart failed to load.

Closed this issue · 4 comments

If you are using java17, add the following parameters to JVM arguments:
--add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED

Java 17 is not supported. Please do not open frivolous issues.

Why is this closed along with every other issue? I don't see why Java 17 and 19 can't be supported and I don't see an open issue to track progress on fixing it.

This issue seems to be causing multiple modpacks to error, including Create Above and Beyond.

Minecraft 1.16 is not supported. Development has moved to Minecraft 1.18+, which does not contain this bug.

This issue is trivially resolved by starting Minecraft with Java 8, 11, or 15.

Sorry - my bad. I was already using Java 17 with 1.18.2 but it seems to have resolved itself somehow 😂 I guess I must have done something wrong. Luckily, the modpack works now.