
Translocators requires CB Multipart on 1.20.1 but it's not available for that version.

Closed this issue · 11 comments



@sous-park Thanks, but it's needed on CurseForge if mod is to be used in modpacks. Not updated there yet.

I had some breakage with my new deployment stuff. Had to upload things manually. I thought i uploaded multipart...

It appears to be under manual review. For whatever reason.

Ah gotcha, no worries.

You have my permission to ship as an override mod until its approved.

Then hopefully CurseForge will still approve it while in the overrides folder. Had experiences where they dont unfortunately.

If they give you strife, point them here for reference to permission to ship. I'll contact them tomorrow some time about why its under manual review.

Will do and thanks.

It's now available, but the newest update (v3.3.0.144) doesn't boot anymore.

But v3.3.0.143 does. Thought I'd mention that.


CurseForge approved the files.

As for the issues with 144 not booting. 145 should resolve this.