
[Forge 1.20.1] Nothing is craftable

Opened this issue · 3 comments

I can't check the recipes of or craft anything from the mod.


Mirroring this. Not sure how it's intended to be used in its current form?
There are no craftable saws.


The only item that is spawnable from the creative menu is a stone cover:

  • Combining covers in a crafting table to create panels and slabs works.
  • Placing multiple covers ontop of eachother in world works

Really loved the creativity that this mod allowed, without turning into a massive stutter and lag problem like Chisel and bits!
So I'd be overjoyed to see this revived again!

it's showing every block variant for me.

i'd wager it's because i'm using REI and this mod doesn't properly work with it.

I'm using JEI. If there's a way to get it to show craftable recipes for saws, covers and more through configs I'd appreciate it!
Placing torches in the same block and spawning the only stone cover works.

EDIT: This seems to be related to a JEI bug causing items to be hidden from the recipe list.
The saws ARE still craftable if you hit U when hovering over diamonds or stone rods or enter the recipe manually. Very strange.

Searching for CB only returns one lonely cover though. 🤔