
Unix build

Ilohama opened this issue · 0 comments

As I continue the #112 issue. Please refer to it for more informations. I'm not gonna to rewrite what was already write. I just have to add that i started from the Android branch to get life easier. I found the cubedtear work 2 month after i started working on it... I compare our works and get his work involved.


  • Build dependencies
  • Add preprocessor conditions to ignore all non-Unix code
  • Build sparky-core and Sandbox
  • Implement Unix functions in sp/platform/unix
  • Correctly implement Unix functions in platform/unix (like correct all X11 stuff etc..)
  • Change allocator to use aligned memory
  • Make sure everything works

I made a trello to follow the developpement state of this linux sparky build : Here
Here is my fork for linux : Xeryko/Sparky => Linux branch

Know issue

Sparky allocator and FreeImage lib are in conflict as i saw... a free() : invalid pointer is raised.
I don't have to fix this to go further buuuuuuuuut not freeing memory is sooooo bad so i'll have to investigate this.


How can I get a "list" of Allocated/Freed stuff? I'll use it only for debug.
Can i safely replace 'delete' by 'free()' with no risks?
(because i fixed allocator functions by replacing delete by free() function. There is no more conflicts nor issue but i don't think it's the good way to proceed)