
Limit On String Size

lovestoprogram opened this issue · 2 comments

Is there a limit on how large an object/string can be for it to be successfully saved? Also, could error code 1 " native write failed" imply that the device is out of memory?

Error code 1 implies that simply the native mechanisms were unable to perform a write to the disk.
I'm unable to give you a more specific answer because the docs of the native mechanisms are unclear about what could be wrong, possible because there are so many different things that could be wrong.

More over size limit see the README. There can't be really one 'static' limit size because all devices are different and the free space on all these devices are also different.

More info:

But note that Cordova itself can be a limited factor on how large data can be when 'sending' it to the native side, and retrieving it from the native side.

Thank you for your prompt and detailed response.