
A cross-platform sokoban engine written in C++

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Chocobun is a cross-platform Sokoban engine. It is specifically being designed to be able to run as a back-end for any sokoban game.

Features and progress

  • Importers/Exporters
    • (done) .SOK file importer/exporter
    • ( 90%) SCL markup language importer/exporter
    • ( 0%) SBML markup language importer/exporter
    • ( 0%) XSB file importer/exporter
  • Player dynamics
    • (done) Basic movement of the player on levels
    • (done) Undo/Redo moves
    • ( 0%) Move the player using a path-finder
  • Level dynamics
    • ( 20%) Validate levels, make sure they are solvable
    • ( 0%) Level solver
  • Misc
    • ( 0%) Generic A* path-finder

Compiling Chocobun

You need to have premake version 4.0 or later installed in order to generate build files. You can download it here:


You can generate the required build files by navigating to the project's root directory and running premake <generator>. After that you may build the project as usual.

Here is an example of building it using GNU makefiles.

# generate GNU makefiles
$ premake gmake

# compile
$ make

Running Chocobun

To simply answer this, you can't run it. Why? Because it's an engine. It's designed to function as a back-end for a game.

With that said, there is a simple developer 'test' project included with Chocobun: A console front-end. It links against Chocobun, and should serve as an example of how to interface the engine.

Running chocobun-console

On Windows, you can simply double-click on the executable in bin/debug/chocobun-console.exe

On POSIX systems, the dynamic libs need to be explicitely linked. This involves some terminal interaction:

# navigate to the executable
$ cd bin/debug

# the chocobun engine is built to bin/debug, so add
# it to the library path
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.

# now we can run it
$ ./chocobun-console