Powerful java configuration library for toml, yaml, hocon, json and in-memory configurations. Serialization/deserialization framework.
- kayatfLinz, Austria
- ichtttGermany
- DeflatedPickle
- gorlokArgentina
- espidevCanada
- iamkyaruGermany
- empjustineSão Paulo - São Paulo - Brazil
- donghaozheng
- ahmadbkyAntony, France
- devgianluItaly
- sobeaaNorway
- lujiajing1126Shanghai
- nirmalvettToronto, ON
- CleymaxAnnecy, France
- ItsEeleeyabetween the stardusts…
- ab153950
- mrdear杭州
- tristanjuricekSpokane, WA USA
- pwn0rz/dev/null
- vbmacherPrague
- noyzysToruń, Poland
- mouse0w0China
- langyoShanghai
- n0mer
- rferreiraIndy
- karussellGermany
- workonfirePoland
- Xmonpl/root/fsociety00.dat
- AntoineJTFrance
- Emalios
- asteiBrooklyn, NY
- zpiddock
- DyskalBretagne, France
- vntxx
- XiaoPangxie732Xinjiang, China
- Tran-AntoineLausanne, Switzerland