
Bug whit OneVsOne Line 70

Closed this issue · 4 comments

�[36m[22:32:07] �[m��[31m[Server thread/CRITICAL]: Error: "Using $this when not in object context" (EXCEPTION) in "1vs1/src/Minifixio/onevsone/OneVsOne" at line 70�[m�
�[36m[22:32:07] �[m��[37m[Server thread/DEBUG]: #0 1vs1/src/Minifixio/onevsone/utils/PluginUtils(20): Minifixio\onevsone\OneVsOne::getMessage(string pluginprefix )�[m�

Please update to the latest Poggit build of this plugin, and try again.

does this plugin even work?

this plugin doesnt even work it keeps crashing my server

Hi, this should now be fixed.
Try with the latest Poggit build.