
[ADM] Obtain registration as Foreign Nonprofit in the US.

JFQueralt opened this issue · 1 comments



Several organizations offer services to nonprofits only available if the organization is registered in the US.
This is also the case to some funding opportunities or for financial services (such as payment gateways - iATS is an example) where the organization must comply with said requirement.


To find out what is the most affordable

Proposed solution

Proceed with researching options, compile and compare
Obtain list of fixed annual obligations and associated costs
If green light, proceed with the registration

Extra information

  • Must have
    -- Lowest registration cost
    -- Lowest annual maintenance cost
    -- No specific restrictions due the State of registration
    -- IRS registration

  • Should have
    -- Nil

  • Could have
    -- Direct application to authorities or 3rd party registration service companies is a priori indifferent

  • Won't have
    -- Nil


Usage documentation

Technical documentation

UXUI resources

Other documentation resources

Related Issues

Attempts of finding the appropriate information have been had for over 2 years.

A request was submitted to TrustLaw, which didn't materialize into any support.

Research has been done on certain options and some websites (to be added) gave some reasonable amount of information.
No action has been taken so far for lack of a complete picture of how the operation should be initiated and its associated costs (both registration and maintenance).

What seems inevitable is the IRS registration (which makes sense), which cost seems to be is fixed.