
Export All extension not working on Tableau Dashboard in Tableau Public

KTMarketing opened this issue · 0 comments

We have the Export All extension for Tableau on a dashboard that is published on Tableau Public. The Export button was working for months, but recently stopped working for those who are not logged into Tableau Public. I went into my Tableau Desktop and reset permissions, saved and re-uploaded to Tableau Public, but the button still does not work for non-Tableau users.

You can see the dashboard here:

Click on the "Data Download" tab and you will see the "Export Ridership" button. It works when I am logged into Tableau Public. But if I am logged out of the Tableau ecosystem, as a casual member of the public would be, nothing happens when I click on the button.

Our community has really appreciated the ability to have this data downloaded via the Export extension. I hope you can assist us with getting it up and running again.

Sanjay Bhatt
Marketing & Public Information Director,
Kitsap Transit