
Arduino Yun linked with a Tristar MPPT60 running a power management system and a garden control system with frontend web GUI in AngularJS (Just Prototyped, a lot of room to build and customize) #GrowBetter2Gether

Primary LanguageC++

*see MP.ino for UF Stack implementation

🌱Greenhouse MEAN Stack

A Full Software Stack to gather, interact with, and record data from an environmental energy sensing, storing, and harvesting Hardware Stack.


Client Side
    Uses AngularJs, CSS and/or animation styles to visually display vitals and sig events

SmartHome Dashboard:
    Displays all controllers with links to their homepages
    Displays Power data from MorningStar and keeps historical database
    Displays status of water lines from Arduino Yun garden program
    Allows for control of certain actuators via web UI
    Displays all useful incoming Bridge data points real-time
    Has navigation buttons to all live “rooms” under control (i.e., Brewery, Shroomery, Greenhouse, ChickenCoop, Surveillance)
    Ledger – track income and expenses
    Inventory Database
    Displays historical charts
    Weather Station (compares forecast to actual experience)
    Links to Bankless Store Front with crowdfunding capability


    Environment Sensing
    Power Management (uses incoming MorningStar data to run a power management program)
    GreenHouse/Garden Control (controls water, artificial light, airflow, humidty, etc.)
    Task Timing/Control (what happens when how often)
    Python Calls
    Low Voltage Actualization/Realization

    Link to MorningStar via Modbus
    Log data to file
    Get Weather
    Send Sig Event Emails
    Filesystem functions

The Hardware:

    Arduino micro controller coupled with a solar circuit using a Morningstar solar charge controller complete with panels and battery bank.

**Though the microcontrollers hold significant amounts of data and are stand alone units running SmartHome© and GreenHouse© , they are ultimately meant to connect to a localhost running on a more sophisticated processor where StoreFront©, BehindTheCounter©, and AngelTokens© can be implemented for Sales Inventory and Payflow as well as Crowdfunding.**
Lucid Chart