
A DAO tasked with prioritizing, matching, and funding local needs through use of a decentralized platform in partnership with local and parent cabinets and all citizens within a defined jurisdiction.

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


A DAO tasked with prioritizing, matching, and funding local needs through use of a decentralized electronic public ledger and accompannying platform in partnership with local and parent cabinets and authorities as well as all citizens within this Dao's defined jurisdiction.

Voting Schema:

  • tier 1 - no votes, but you can make proposals
  • tier 2 - voting power for your citizenship - comes with a token. cost a very low amount. $5 or something
  • tier 3 - viting power for having a business license - 1 vote regardless of employee number, product specialty, or balance sheet specifics. Just maintain a license to do business to get another vote.
  • tier 4 - voting power for acheiving an educational standard
  • tier 5 - voting power for having a high number of proposals followed through to completion

Remember, anyone can make proposals!

Localized Mentorship program

Decent Mentor

Tech Education Grants at even the micro level

Devices, Wallet onboarding --> infrastructure development --> earn $$$ and voting power
build out the platform, be an example for the world right here at home, gain experience and education in a new tech

Proposal protocol open to EveryONE in Fulton

make a proposal as any age, class, gender, race, or token holder status. Just be a citizen of the jurisdiction.

Local policy voting

Everyone gets one vote holding the tiered power stated above. All extra tokens are pooled together for the quadratic round and you will not have control over any more wealth than your one vote allocates by the qf mechanism. There are other forms of wealth that are more privatized. this is not one. if you hold community tokens it's because you want the community to do well, not because you want to control its outcome. Your outcome control lies solely in your individual vote, and your ability to make proposals even without voting power. Your credit is the proposal that is stamped with your wallet! So your ideas will automatically be notarized upon proposition!

Local project voting and quadratic funding mechanism

citizens vote concurrently and funding is rolled out frequently. Just like zuckbook's like mechanism - projects can be defunded immediately, and funded immediatley - in as much as they gain/lose support. This functionality could be controlled to allow riskier projects the option to fund/defund rapidly, or perhaps to thwart any attempt of sudden new populations coming to hijack the local community organized wealth.

Historical Record

A place where community members go to review past projects, who proposed them, any data they collected, and their present condition

Research funding

Abstract funding for local educational and research endeavors that have no immediate impact on the community, but which have been voted on and determined by the community to be worth allocating funds toward for long term sustainability and success.