Jolly's cheatsheet for building a SPA with AngularJS, NodeJs, and Ethereum.

(You'll be seeing unusual accomplishment ...)

html base structure, css style, js logic and data handling, graphics in blender, traditional payflow and shipstation connect, blockchain payflow and supply chain tracking, robotic actuation, sensoring, blocked accounting, energy sensing and management, and more!

Process Map

Project brainstorm and wireframes in Lucid Chart

In a brainstorm session, we focus our attention toward the problems at hand and the resources/skills within our controll that may be used to solve them. 

Build a project prototype in AngularJS

We use AngularJS to build the wireframes into a single page application (SPA) prototype. 
  • html

    use html to build the base structure of the spa. index page is the main page, and the other pages are the navigation routes with differing style indicators and data binders.
  • css

    use css to style the html elements. hook css styling to real time data binders.
  • js

    use angularjs to handle the logic of the application. create app module, route config, controllers, services, and directives. add scripts to the index page.

Complete the Full Stack

  • node.js

    use nodejs and express to build the backend server.
  • mongodb or mysql

    use mongodb or mysql to store the data.
  • authentication

    use passport to authenticate users.
  • supply chain

    inventory dashboard to track supply chain.
  • payflow

    use paypal payflow to process payments.
  • shipstation

    use shipstation to process orders.
  • blockchain

    integrate asset ownership, supply chain, payflow, authentication data, etc. to blockchain.


  • unit tests

    use karma to run the unit tests. use jasmine to write the unit tests. use angular-mocks to mock the angular services.

  • jest

  • truffle tests


  • hostsinger

    use hostsinger to host the application.
    use hostsinger to host the database.
    use hostsinger to host the email server.
  • github pages

    use github pages to host the application.
    use github actions to build and deploy the application.    
  • IPFS and Infura


git commands to 'git' along.  ya 'git' it? hahaha o what a good eye dear.

Specialty Projects

  • iOT

    • Custom SmallBiz Store Front
    • SmartHome
  • Blockchain

    • CrowdFund
    • Small Biz Rewards and Smart Receipts
    • Wallet Auth, GeoFencing, Custom API exploits
  • Blender

    • Logos and Patterns
    • Basic 3D Modeling and Animation for Storefront and iOT
  • Minds 💡

    • Cool Minds Café
    • Found Mounds
    • Decent Smart Homes
    • Blender Bender