
MPC One Global MIDI Mapping - Increment/Decrement Selected Track

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Reading the wiki on this:

This is a xml formatted file. Each mapping is declared within a "pairing" tag.

Target_ Target_control is the number of the control to be mapped (items correspond to the list of possible target mappings in the MPC software)
Mapping_ Mapping_type : not totally clear yet : 1 for note, 2 for CC, 0 means no mapping
Mapping_channel : the midi channel (your controllers MIDI Channel)
Mapping_data1 / Mapping_Control : midi value 1 / value 2 (your controllers MIDI Control Change#)
Mapping_control 1-7 = Toggle button, Momentary button, fixed button, note, abs cc, cc rel offset, rel cc 2's complement
Mapping_reverse= (this is the flip)

  <!-- Change track     -->
    <Target_ Target_control="62"/>
    <Mapping_ Mapping_type="2" Mapping_channel="16" Mapping_data1="1" Mapping_control="7"

I'm confused about how I would use this to set up what I want. What I'd like is to program 2 buttons on my MIDI foot controller (controller sends MIDI notes) to increment/decrement the selected track.

Can I do this with MIDI notes? Is one of the 7 values for Mapping_control going to allow these buttons to increment/decrement?Or is this only possible with MIDI CCs? Or is this not possible at all?