
Unhandled exception: PathNotFoundException: on macOS

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Hello, I'm run gpth on macOS(Intel), and gpth-macos shows the following error:
I'm not sure if the issue is due to characters in the file name.
version 3.4.3.
Thank you for providing this very useful program!

image 15914 Unhandled exception: PathNotFoundException: Cannot rename file to '/Volumes/T7/googlephoto_my/ALL_PHOTOS/._1542(1).mp4', path = '/Volumes/T7/Takeout/Google 相册/Photos from 2023/._1542.mp4' (OS Error: No such file or directory, errno = 2)

may be same as #203

Follow-up: After I make the drive from exFAT to macOS format, running ./gpth-macos successfully processed all the images.

I have exactly the same issue. However, I cannot format my drive to macOS format due to practicability. Any other suggestions?

Same situation here 😞