
about 64 bit version

phoe-nix opened this issue · 4 comments

can you build 64 bit version? now pcsx2 64 bit version can run game as well, need 64 bit version, thanks

I was mostly holding off until it got buildbot builds.

But I guess I can use the appveyor builds to develop for

I also don't know what the situation is for Linux builds.

and can you build 64 bit version of your CLR_USB if possible?
this 2 plugins work well for resident evil outbreak, thanks again for your jobs.

For CLR_DEV9, can you try this test build

I've also just released a 64 bit port of CLR_USB
CLR_USB now has a x64 port available here

thanks so much, i will test.
edit: tested, work well, CLR_USB cant use numpad?(0-9)