
API Documentation

f4004 opened this issue · 3 comments

f4004 commented

Hello. How can I get API documentation?

Hey! You can find a kind-of documentation on the wiki here

The repo comes with ExampleDemo which showcases making Activities (sometimes called Scenes) that run each screen and uses the getController() to push/pop activities.

See the example here

Towards the bottom of the README, there's a few sections on understanding the difference between Pushing, Popping, and Rewinding the activity controller. These commands effectively go to the Next Scene, Previous Scene, and Last Scene that matches a type. Here

Here's a really cool pokemon demo made with Swoosh.

Let me know if that helps get you started!

f4004 commented

Okay, thanks.

No problem. If you run into anything else, let me know and I'd be happy to help.