
Bug in Firebase/php-jwt

Summersyard opened this issue ยท 14 comments

Our implementation base on the current versions (using Firebase/php-jwt 5.x) works fine. Composer does not update to the latest 6.x as the latest change (added supporting version 6.x) does not have a version tag.
When we manually update to Firebase/php-jwt 6.x we get this error:
SSO error php-jwt-6

Unfortunately Firebase/php-jwt 5.x has a major security issue so updating is very much recommended. Although called by oauth-azure the problem might be in the firebase lib. Thus, I will post this issue there as well.

Including the support of the latest firebase lib version should maybe delayed until this issue is fixed.

Could you please test with the current version in master? I have merged a bunch of hanging PRs, primarily #159 should fix it. I aim to release a new version of the library on Friday.

The change will be deployed on a test env in the next hours. Then I can give feedback.

This seems to be related to the configuration, have you configured scopes like shown here:

When switching to 2.0 some weeks ago we found a scope definition is mandatory and specified 'scope' => 'openid profile email' which worked then. Now we are deploying the latest version with 'scopes' => ['openid','profile','email'] and will come back with the result soon.

I took a look into the code. The culprit seems to be the method getJwtVerificationKeys (line 336) in that returns an array of string public keys instead of instances of Firebase\JWT\Key. When I change the two lines with $keys[$keyinfo['kid']] = $publicKey; to $keys[$keyinfo['kid']] = new Key($publicKey, 'RS256'); (and import the Firebase\JWT\Key class), the error vanishes. I don't know if this is the best solution, but at least it works for me.

ganey commented

The provider keys could also converted to a Firebase\JWT\Key before this call:

$idTokenClaims = (array)JWT::decode($this->idToken, $keys, ['RS256']);

not sure where is best to do it though

The error remains with the latest versions:

The decode() JWT function now expects a Key instance or array of Key instances. Possible quick fix is to change Provider/Azure.php.

  1. add import:
    use Firebase\JWT\Key;

  2. change the getJwtVerificationKeys():
    375: $keys[$keyinfo['kid']] = new Key($publicKey, 'RS256');
    392: $keys[$keyinfo['kid']] = new Key($publicKey, 'RS256');

Do you think you could submit a PR for this? I am leaving for the next 4 days and will be on a very limited connection. Thanks!

I have merged this, can you please test against dev-master branch, once you confirm, I will release as 2.1.1. Thanks!

The proposed hotfix fixed the error for me. Thanks for the quick update!

Thanks for confirming! I have released v2.1.1 - with the fix. Thanks for the PR @spackmat!