Uncaught Error: Firebase\JWT\JWT::decode(): Argument #3 ($headers) cannot be passed by reference
ysipd26020 opened this issue ยท 16 comments
When using "firebase/php-jwt": "6.7.0" the JWT cannot decoded because the handling of the third parameter ($headers) has changed in version 6.6.0 and later.
Forcing the composer.json to use 6.5.0 allows the JWT to be decoded.
I'm assuming that this upstream change is the breaking commit
Currently the release 2.1.1 has the following dependency "php": "^7.1|^8.0",
My suggestion is to drop entirely firebase/php-jwt": "~3.0||~4.0||~5.0" and only keep compatibility with ^6.0
because older version are not even compatible with PHP 7
"require": {
"php": ">=5.3.0"
My PHP version is 7.4.x, the version of firebase/php-jwt is the version I'm referring to.
With PHP 7.4 using firebase/php-jwt 6.7.0 with oauth2-azure 2.1.1, I am getting the error due to decoding the JWT
With PHP 7.4 using firebase/php-jwt 6.5.0 with oauth2-azure 2.1.1, I am able to see that the JWT provided by oauth2-azure is decoded by php-jwt.
I would assume that oauth2-azure would need to update its usage of the php-jwt library to support the change introduced in version 6.6.0 and further into 6.7.0
I have createa a pull request, that 3rd argument is not necessary anymore, the variable $keys already is converted to ann array of \Firebase\JWT\Key
I was also suggesting dropping the compatibility, because that may have been the reason for using the 3rd argument.
it looks like third argument was used only before php-jwt 5.5 https://github.com/firebase/php-jwt/releases/tag/v5.5.0, so removing it breaks the compatibility with older versions anyway
Could you please release a new version? Thank you
Maybe someone knows when the 2.1.2 version will be released? Thank you
I've submitted a PR to get this fixed. #191
@hajekj Would you mind pushing a release out, looks like multiple people are waiting for this. Thanks.
@kojot1234 @hajekj Any news on 2.1.2? We too are running into this issue with firebase/php-jwt:6.8.1
and would prefer not version locking at 6.5.0
. Thanks for your support!
Any news on this?
@casey977 If I remember correctly this has been resolved already and issue can be closed.
@casey977 If I remember correctly this has been resolved already and issue can be closed.
Well, I'm here because I get the error...
what version of this lib. You can find it with composer show thenetworg/oauth2-azure