
DNS port should be configurable

Closed this issue · 5 comments

port 15353 that is hard-coded right now is also used by mehserve

Note: I also opened an issue on mehserve: benjie/mehserve#10

Hehe... that one is subtler... I can make it probably configurable at startup at will. Should have no big side effects. Need to look at code to be sure but certainly doable. Thanks for reporting!


Hi again, could you please fetch latest tip, built it, and confirm that it fixes this for you ?
Thanks in advance!

@AntonioMeireles sorry, as I mentioned I'm not a golang developer. I just tried to compile it and failed. spent a little time figuring it out, but I just don't feel like learning go and its ways. I have enough of language 'zoo' in my belt as it is ;) But if you make it into a proper release I'll definitely upgrade using the and report back on results. Meanwhile I just submited a PM for mehserve (I do know js ;)) so I have the NDS port conflict sorted out, now only problem is the firewall rules mess.

OK, so I finally got it to compile using hints from /Applications/

DNS port configuration seems to be working, but PF rules are still messed up. Actually it seems to be worse, as I can't even connect outside from a VM. I'll provide more details on #105

this one should have no undesired features. closing as things seem to do what we expect them to.