
Add disclaimer about not submitting personal solutions to for all exercise repos

Opened this issue · 10 comments

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  • I have thoroughly read and understand The Odin Project Contributing Guide
  • The title of this issue follows the location for request: brief description of request format, e.g. Exercises: Add exercise on XYZ

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1. Description of the Feature Request:
There are still regularly people who submit personal solutions to all of the various exercise repos. We do mention that those repos don't accept solutions in the, but that line is unhighlighted, at the bottom, and easily missable. Furthermore due to the fork > clone > solve > upload to personal repo workflow that a learner is likely to use when solving the exercises, they will get a big yellow/orangeish banner above both their own repo and the forked repo with a call out to Contribute now. Adding an additional line somewhere in the PR template (<!-- WARNING: Do not submit personal solutions to this repo. Pull Requests containing personal solutions will be summarily closed and will not be merged --> ?) would provide another layer of catching a learners eyes before they submit a superflous PR

2. Acceptance Criteria:

  • Some form of warning is added to all PR templates in the various exercise repos

Yeah I agree with this. We definitely need to make it more visible.

What do you think about adding the line and also adding a bit of bolding in the bullet point?

Do not submit your solutions to this repo, as any PRs that do so will be closed without merging.

Honestly we could probably move that verbiage to the opening paragraph:

These JavaScript exercises are intended to complement the JavaScript content on The Odin Project (TOP). They should only be done when instructed during the course of the curriculum. Please DO NOT submit your solutions to this repo, as any PRs that do so will be closed without merging.

Also wouldn't be opposed to adding a comment in the PR template. @Asartea did you still want to be assigned?

@Asartea did you still want to be assigned?


@Asartea you got it. There is a similar issue linked above from our css exercise repo which should be taken into account. If you have any questions feel free to ping!

@Asartea If you want to update the CSS one as well that is fine, or I will do it. Either way we should coordinate our language I think.

I have gone ahead with the css repo: TheOdinProject/css-exercises#493

Sorry, I have been really busy and then really sick. Will give this a look now

No worries! Hopefully you're feeling better, but take your time!

@Asartea just an FYI I merged the PR in the css exercise repo. If we'd want to tweak any verbiage further in this js exercise readme we can do a followup for CSS.