
Change number to integer in sumAll problem statement

Closed this issue · 6 comments

The problem statement says:
"Implement a function that takes 2 positive integers and returns the sum of every number between (and including) them"

It should say:
"Implement a function that takes 2 positive integers and returns the sum of every integer between (and including) them"

Thanks for the clarification @weboffools. Would you like to be assigned to this?
(Also please fill out the issue form next time)

@MaoShizhong I can be assigned to this but won't get to it for a week or two. Sorry I forgot about the issue form; I was here in the repo helping someone and it seemed natural to open the issue from here. You mean the form linked from "Report an Issue" in the lesson I assume?

@weboffools If you use the "new issue" button here, you'll be brought to a selection of "Bug report" or "feature request", where you'll get a form. In this case, this issue could be argued for either of those options as it's both a general clarification, but also arguable that "number" is technically incorrect so is a bug.

If you know you won't be able to get round to it for a bit, I'll open this up to assignment request. When you get time again, if this issue is still looking for help, then feel free to comment to be assigned :)

leu1 commented

I can take care of this if its still available, can I be assigned to it?

@leu1 all yours!