
Feature: Strings Exercises for Basic Data Types

KevinMulhern opened this issue · 1 comments


After the student has gone through the Basic Data Types Lesson it would be good for them to practice what they have learnt by completing a few exercises.

Acceptance Criteria

The following exercises should be created for strings:

  • An exercise for sub strings
  • An exercise that uses some escape characters - the newline escape character is the most practical
  • An exercise for capitalising the given string
  • An exercise for upper casing the given string
  • An exercise for down casing the given string
  • An exercise for checking if a given string is empty
  • An exercise for checking the length of a given string
  • An exercise for reversing a string
  • An exercise for stripping a given string of white space.

Additional Notes

These exercises should go in the existing string_exercises file.

We have an example exercise and test which demonstrates the pattern that should be followed for the strings exercises.

Working on this. I have most of it done, just missing the escape characters exercise.