
Event Manager

Closed this issue · 8 comments

Please someone important review this section, it surely needs some work. For example, at many places the code seemed complete but gave an error when i ran it, because it was incomplete. If its not complete on purpose then atleast state that, and at some places the code is formated as simple text.

Hey @sarthak-v, can you be a bit more specific with whats broken please?

Can you provide some example of which parts you ran and got an error and what the error was?

screenshot from 2018-05-27 08-02-08
code in this section (ERB) is not working as stated.

Thanks @sarthak-v, the code high lighting should be easy enough to fix. I'll create a separate issue for that.

As for the erb section, can you tell use the specific error you were getting with it? that will help us narrow down the debugging.

The code is wrongly replacing the legislators in the form. Its showing that rescue text even when the info is available.

Hey @sarthak-v, did that PR you made address the problems here? what about the issue with erb code snippet? 😄

i will update all the incorrect codes(if there are, other than erb code) by today or tmrw

everything's working fine