A DOS-Style Operating System created with COSMOS. Currently under active development.
help: Shows this list again. Usage help [pg#]
ls: Shows list of files and directories.
fs: Lists all the drives.
rm: Removes the file. Usage: rm [path]
rmdir Removes the directory. Usage: rmdir [path]
cd: Change the current directory. Usage: cd [path]
mkdir: Makes a directory. Usage: mkdir [patn]
open: Opens and displays contents of a file. Usage: open [path]
nano: Opens and edit the contents of a file. Usage: nano [path]
reboot: Reboots the computer. Usage: reboot [delay ms]
shutdown: Shutdowns the PC. Usage: shutdown [delay ms]
clear: Clear the screen.
echo: Echoes an input. Usage: echo [text to echo]
utime: Returns unix style time.
getram: Returns the amount of ram available.
To access the root user use the credentials Username:root password:root