
👨‍🎨️ Generate novel artistic images in Node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


js-standard-style Build Status

Generate novel artistic images in Node.js, using TensorFlow.js.

Some Examples


How To Use It

Clone This Repository

git clone https://github.com/DavidCai1993/style-transfer.js.git

cd ./style-transfer.js

Download The VGG-19 Model

npm run model

Install Dependences

npm install

Start Making Some Great Art

node ./transfer.js transfer -c <contentImagePath> -s <styleImagePath> -o <outputImagePath> [--gpu]

// Example: node ./transfer.js transfer -c ./images/louvre.jpg -s ./images/Francis_Picabia.jpg -o output.jpg --gpu