
Roadmap? and maybe add a recipe section?

Opened this issue · 5 comments

Hi, great plugin first of all, I've been using it heavily for quiet some time now.

I wanted to ask what the roadmap for harpoon2 is.
What I got from the discussions I found is that it will basically "only" provide the API to create custom lists (via specifying HarpoonPartialConfigItems), and natively support the list for file switching. People can then create extensions for it, similar to how it can be done for telescope. (Creating a custom list worked like a charm, btw).
Specifically, I wanted to ask regarding the tmux functionality from the old harpoon. The current readme still says that it supports something like that, but its not implemented and if the above is true, it wont be implemented in the future (I have no problem with that, just making sure).

Secondly, I wanted to ask what you think of the idea of having a section in the readme, or rather a separate file, that contains simple recipes of how harpoon can be extended. People could then make a PR to it if they think have a good idea. Of course these recipes should be as simple as possible, and more complex things should be in their own plugin. It would be interesting to see what people can come up with; I guess there are many possibilities to use harpoon (opening browser-bookmarks, changing working directories, ...).
However, I'm actually not completely sure whether such a recipe list is really a good idea, because it would involve additional maintainance. Alternatively, one could maybe just link to extension plugins (I hope that there will be such plugins).

Finally, I was thinking about making a plugin to extend harpoon with the tmux functionality (and probably some other similar features), but I'm hesitating at the moment. Firstly, because I first wanted to make sure what the roadmap of harpoon is, and secondly, more importantly, the tmux functionality was not my idea, but developed in the original harpoon. Should I make the plugin (i.e., does it fit to the roadmap and are you fine with that; I would cite of course)?

Happy about any answer, even if you say you are not completely sure about the roadmap yet.

This is a great idea, imo

A recipes file is a great idea.

I believe he started this in lua/harpoon/extensions, but I don't think he worked on that for more than a day. For now, most of his focus seems to be on vim-apm.

he could just enable discussions in github for people to share recipe...

@ThePrimeagen , can you please do that?? it will be just a toggle for you and everyone can share scripts easly without getting lost in discord chats or reddit or in random github gists.....

Specifically, I wanted to ask regarding the tmux functionality from the old harpoon.

I have ported the old tmux functionality from Harpoon V1 into an external plugin (props to the people who wrote the code, this is merely a port)

This was living in my config for a bit, but I have created an external repo and put in some documentation on how to set it up, and am open to PR's if people want to go that direction with it.


In response with the recipes etc, I think Prime doesn't want to maintain functionality that he doesn't use/isn't crucial to the core function of harpoon, he expects users to create plugins/extensions outside the core repo, and has created a 'discussion' section on this repo so people can share ideas, I think your custom lists and extensions are supposed to be maintained outside the harpoon repo