
Is this still required given official ubuntu server is available?

bugsyb opened this issue · 1 comments

Noobie in pi4 world hence maybe silly question, but is this still anyhow better than official Ubuntu pi4 prepared images?

What is missing in the official one?
My guess is that maybe:
a) raspi-config
b) acceleration - not sure about this.

Any advises are more than welcome.

I haven't seen this also updated since Feb'19 hence even more doubts.

Thank you.

Hey bugsyb,

People are using it for different reasons but probably the main thing it can do is boot from USB mass storage on a Raspberry Pi 4. I actually committed the tool to make it bootable to this repository as ""

Ubuntu 20.04 / 20.10 are officially supported on the Pi now aside from that limitation and I'm sure that will be fixed eventually. If you want to see a writeup about and USB mass storage device booting with Ubuntu 20.04 / 20.10 check out