
Wrong result when the input type is "email"

Closed this issue · 3 comments


when you compare two input fields of type "email", the validator returns false when both values are the same. You have to enter a valid email adress to get the correct result.

I made a quick plunk here:

It's not a big thing, since you want to have valid email adresses but it's still dirty to let this bug open.

This error occurs also on other input types, when the input control in data-match has other failed validations, such like "minlength" for example.

Sorry, duplicate of #5

A current solution is btw to add ng-model-options="{allowInvalid: true} to the compared input control

This is related to #5. Since this seems to be coming up more and more, I'll have to actually start looking into a solution

A new ability was added, see the README section about "Validate Against the $viewValue shown in the input"