
Buggy behaviour when using built in input types like text, password.

vamseekm opened this issue · 3 comments


I am facing issue with $error.parse. Doesn't matter whether I pass model value or form value object (viewValue) to match. Sometimes I am left with {parse: true} in $errors. Even though all other validations have passed. And also element is classed with ng-invalid-parse.

I am using 1.3.9 can confirm same issue with 1.3.8 too.

Interestingly I don't get this issue when using angular provided type validators like email.


There is a 1.3.x branch that works for 1.3. Its needs a little cleanup and probably need to be moved to master (and a 1.2.x branch created from what is in mater now).

With that being said, there is a work-around I can do to the current master to make it work with both 1.2 and 1.3 (... but its probably best just to do the first thing)

Thanks, For now I am switching to the 1.3 branch. For my current needs that's sufficient.

1.3.x branch as been updated and moved to master and released for bower installations.