
Validate match only if field is required?

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Hopefully a quick question.

I only want to validate for a match if my first input has a value. Does angular-validation-match have a way to conditionally validate matches? Maybe something similar to ng-required?

<input name="txtSearchTitle" class="form-control" ng-model="SearchTitle" />
<input name="txtConfirmNewTitle" class="form-control" ng-model="SearchTitleConfirmation" ng-required="SearchTitle" match="SearchTitle"/>

<p class="help-block" ng-show="frmJobList.txtConfirmNewTitle.$error.required && submitted">Please enter a value</p>
<p class="help-block" ng-show="frmJobList.txtConfirmNewTitle.$error.match && submitted">Confirmation must match entered search title.</p>

No, there is not a way to conditionally validate (that I can think of) other than adding and removing the input using ng-if (having one input with match that is shown only when the original field is valid, and another without match that is shown when the original field is invalid.)

I can see adding a separate optional attribute match-if="expression" which will validate matching when the value of the expression is true and not perform validation when it is false, it would default to true to the attribute is not provided.