
✨ [Feature] 自动开启 bbr

Closed this issue · 2 comments

在提问之前 (Before Asking)

  • 我已经搜索了全部 Issues 和 Commits (I have searched all Issues and Commits)
  • 它们当中没有我将要提交的新功能 (None of them have new feature that I'm going to submit)

描述功能 (Describe Feature)

今天跟群友交流得知目前系统均没有默认开启 bbr,考虑在安装面板时自动开启 bbr。

首选 bbr+fq_pie
备选 bbr+cake

(发现部分 RHEL 系统中没有 fq_pie ...)

工作流程 (WorkFlow)


还有别的吗 (Anything Else)

No response

Hi @devhaozi 👋

我们认为您的建议非常有价值!欢迎提交 PR,请包含相应的测试用例、文档等,并确保 CI 通过,感谢和期待您的贡献!
We think your suggestion is very valuable! Welcome to submit a PR, please include test cases, documentation, etc., and ensure that the CI is passed, thank you and look forward to your contribution!
