
More translated languages

TheTechRobo opened this issue · 9 comments

Hi! Thanks for using Palc!

Could you create a Palc translation (or improve the existing ones) for Palc?

Hi, I could help to improve the French translation.

Should I edit locales/fr/LC_MESSAGES/base.po directly or is there another way to do it?

I'd recommend editing them with Poedit—it's the easiest way.

Just start up Poedit, click "Edit a translation" and select the .po file, press "Update from source", and then just choose each string in Poedit and you can easily edit them.

Accents are allowed in translations — EXCEPT in if statements (one-word strings like "sub" and "vol". Comments are on those strings (as far as i know, when you click on the string it will show you that comment)

You might need to compile them manually; the option should be in the menu bar.

Please make sure to test it by, after compiling them, running Palc with French.

After all that, submit a pull request with the changes, I'll make sure they don't mess anything up and make any necessary changes, and then your translation will be live! :)

Thanks so much :)

Note: the reason why half the translations that are not if statements dont have accents is because i got lazy ;)

I can't blame you, they are a real pain to type on a QWERTY keyboard.

I still need to give it a good test before submitting my PR.

I can't blame you, they are a real pain to type on a QWERTY keyboard.


Seeing as I have a Mac that I use for translations (just for the auto-correct and accent support, I use linux everywhere else) I could add the accents......but no 😉.

I still need to give it a good test before submitting my PR.

Thanks SO MUCH for contributing, i'm still learning French :)

Hi. I'm working on a translation for pt.

Thanks so much! It's really appreciated 😊

Also, it would be awesome if you could wait until after Mathmod has been merged. Then you'll be translating the most up to date stuff :)

@devMMartins Now that Mathmod has been merged, translate away! :D