GPLv3 Palc - allowed?
TheTechRobo opened this issue · 7 comments
@JasonG-FR : When you submitted your translation corrections (thanks again!), Palc was licensed under the DBAD License. I want to change it to GPL 3.0 to make it actually open source - are you OK with this?
@lewiswatson55 : When I forked your calculator to make Palc, it had no license. Is it OK for me to put it on GNU GPL 3.0? (Right now it's on the DBAD License, which I'm wondering if it's OK too.) Sorry for not asking you at the start - I didn't know that no license meant you can't necessarily add one.
Thanks in advance! :)
Hey, yeah no problem. Thanks for still crediting even tho you've got basically none of the original code! Love what you're doing with Palc!
@lewiswatson55 Thanks so much! :D
I'm absolutely fine with it :)
Thanks @JasonG-FR ! :)
@Shankhalika @harish123456798 @marloncard @alistairdev @AshutoshInfy Sorry for the ping but I realised I should ask if it's ok to you guys too, as contributors to the original repo. Is it ok for me to license Palc under gplv3? thanks.
@TheTechRobo Yes, I have no objections 😀
Additionally, what do you guys think of switching the license of mathmod only (the core of palc that does not include the user friendly print statements - it's so that you can use the Palc features in your own program) to the LGPLv3?
I'm sorry for bugging you all but I just want to have the best license and I want everyone to agree.
According to wikipedia
The main difference between the GPL and the LGPL is that the latter allows the work to be linked with (in the case of a library, "used by") a non-(L)GPLed program, regardless of whether it is free software or proprietary software.