
Inconsistent thing's name from steward

wcchh opened this issue · 0 comments

wcchh commented

When the steward receives the pair message, it sends a simple result containing information for future authentication:

recv: {"requestID":"1","result":{"params":{"algorithm":"sha1","length":40,"name":".things@steward","issuer":"steward","step":30,"base32":"GVEFOUBTIFNHCZZQIIYHIZCSMRCDKZCYIRZTO3RXKBDEGVLRIZUTG42UNN2TMVDT","protocol":"totp"},"success":true,"thingID":"1"},"timestamp":1462345153}

And you can see the "name" is ".thing@steward", but it should be the word of what I send for pairing, which is 'TESTUUID000' as below

send: {"path":"/api/v1/thing/pair/TESTUUID000","name":"TESTUUID000","requestID":1}

This will occur only after db files be clean, then the first time steward running up.