
Issue with version 3.32 ev. 24 on Ubuntu 19.04

GonzoDark opened this issue · 1 comments

Version 3.32 ev. 24 is not working on Ubuntu 19.04 (GNOME Shell 3.32.2).

The solution I have found is to downgrade to 3.32 ev. 22.

I did the following steps in order to fix the issue:

  1. Disabled the plugin on the extensions page
  2. Downloaded version 3.32 (ev. 22) from the extensions page
  3. Extracted the file
  4. Copied the files to my local gnome-shell extensions dir with the following command:

cp -r '' ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/

  1. alt+F2, type r and hit enter

Sorry i forgot to drop support for 3.32 and older versions of gnome-shell in metadata.json.

The latest version and the ones after that will only support the latest version of gnome-shell and changes are only made to provide compatibility for new gnome-shell versions.
No new feature is going to be added.

If you are using 3.32.x, stick to v22.