
A few Memory and handle leaks

JohnLaTwC opened this issue · 0 comments

Issue 1

Handle leak: CreateSection returns the handle from NtCreateSection as sectionAddress but this handle is never closed and is leaked as a result

        public IntPtr Allocate(PICPayload Payload, Process Process, IntPtr PreferredAddress)
            // Get a convenient handle for the target process.
            IntPtr procHandle = Process.Handle;

            // Create a section to hold our payload
            IntPtr sectionAddress = CreateSection((uint)Payload.Payload.Length, sectionAttributes);
! No call to CloseHandle on sectionAddress 

            // Map a view of the section into our current process with RW permissions

IntPtr sectionAddress = CreateSection((uint)Payload.Payload.Length, sectionAttributes);

Issue 2

Handle leak calling NtCreateSection in MapModuleFromDisk

            // Create section from hFile
            IntPtr hSection = IntPtr.Zero;
            ulong MaxSize = 0;
            Data.Native.NTSTATUS ret = DynamicInvoke.Native.NtCreateSection(
                ref hSection,
! No call to CloseHandle on hSection
                ref MaxSize,

Data.Native.NTSTATUS ret = DynamicInvoke.Native.NtCreateSection(

Issue 3

Memory leak with pObjectName due to missing call to FreeHGlobal

        public static Data.PE.PE_MANUAL_MAP MapModuleFromDisk(string DLLPath)
            IntPtr pObjectName = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(ObjectName));
! No call to Marshall.FreeHGlobal for this object

IntPtr pObjectName = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(ObjectName));

Issue 4

Memory leak due to failure to call Marshal.FreeHGlobal in exception path

        public static Data.PE.PE_MANUAL_MAP MapModuleToMemory(IntPtr pModule, IntPtr pImage, Data.PE.PE_META_DATA PEINFO)
            // Write PE header to memory
            UInt32 SizeOfHeaders = PEINFO.Is32Bit ? PEINFO.OptHeader32.SizeOfHeaders : PEINFO.OptHeader64.SizeOfHeaders;
            UInt32 BytesWritten = DynamicInvoke.Native.NtWriteVirtualMemory((IntPtr)(-1), pImage, pModule, SizeOfHeaders);

            // Write sections to memory
            foreach (Data.PE.IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER ish in PEINFO.Sections)
                // Calculate offsets
                IntPtr pVirtualSectionBase = (IntPtr)((UInt64)pImage + ish.VirtualAddress);
                IntPtr pRawSectionBase = (IntPtr)((UInt64)pModule + ish.PointerToRawData);

                // Write data
                BytesWritten = DynamicInvoke.Native.NtWriteVirtualMemory((IntPtr)(-1), pVirtualSectionBase, pRawSectionBase, ish.SizeOfRawData);
                if (BytesWritten != ish.SizeOfRawData)
+                    Marshal.FreeHGlobal(pModule);
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to write to memory.");

            // Perform relocations
            RelocateModule(PEINFO, pImage);

            // Rewrite IAT
            RewriteModuleIAT(PEINFO, pImage);

            // Set memory protections
            SetModuleSectionPermissions(PEINFO, pImage);

            // Free temp HGlobal

throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to write to memory.");