A class which is able to represent arbitrarily large integer numbers while implementing arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and comparison without the use of the Java Collections Framework.
The classHugeIntegercontains the following methods:
1)public HugeInteger add(HugeInteger h): Returns a newHugeIntegerrepre-senting the sum ofthis HugeIntegerandh.
2)public HugeInteger subtract(HugeInteger h): Returns a newHugeIntegerrepresenting the difference between this HugeInteger and h.
3)public HugeInteger multiply(HugeInteger h): Returns a newHugeInteger representing the product between this HugeInteger and h.
4)public int compareTo(HugeInteger h): Returns -1 if this HugeInteger is less than h, 1 ifthis HugeIntegeris larger than h, and 0 if this HugeInteger is equal to h.
5)public String toString(): Returns a string representing the sequence of digits corresponding to the decimal representation of this HugeInteger.