
Sort a list of words using linked lists

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Class WordLinkedList has at least the following instance fields:

  1. an integer to store the size of the list, i.e., the number of words;

  2. a reference to the beginning of the linked list (a reference variable of type Node).

All instance fields are private.

Class WordLinkedList contains at least the following constructors:

• public WordLinkedList() - constructs an empty WordLinkedList (”empty” means with zero words).

• public WordLinkedList(String[] arrayOfWords) - constructs a WordLinkedList object and stores the words from arrayOfWords in the list. Pay attention to the fact that the array passed to the constructor may contain duplicate words and the words might not be sorted. On the other hand, the list is not allowed tocontain duplicates and the words have to be sorted in alphabetical order.

• public int getSize() - returns the size of this list (the number of words).

• public String getWordAt(int i) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException- returns a new String object representing the word at position i in the list. Valid positions are between 0 and n-1, inclusive, where n denotes the size of the list. If the input index does not correspond to a valid position, an exception should be thrown.

• public void insert(String newword) - inserts newword in this WordLinkedList if newword is not in the list. It does nothing if newword is already in this WordLinkedList. Notice that, after an insertion is performed, the value of the field storing the size of the list has to be updated. You may assume that the string newword which is passed to method insert() consists only of lower case letters, and no other characters.

• public int find(String word) - returns the position of word is in this WordLinkedList or -1 if word is not in this WordLinkedList. Example: If this WordLinkedList is {answer, bee, game, tea}, then after invoking find("game") the value 2 is returned, while after invoking find("task") the value -1 is returned.

• public String remove(int i) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException - removes the word at position i from this WordLinkedList and returns a new String object representing the removed word if i is a valid position in the list; Otherwise, an exception is thrown with an appropriate message. Not

• public void mergeTo(WordLinkedList that) - removes all the words from that WordLinkedList and inserts them in this WordLinkedList.

• public String toString() - returns a string representing the list, with the words listed in alphabetical order, each word on a separate line.


This repo also contains a simpler java program that sorts a list of words using arrays instead of linked lists.