
Question: Live Reloading & Workflow

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hello! I'm really loving this project. It's making creating a Ghost theme really easy for me. I just have one question though:

What is your typical/ideal workflow for creating a theme using this tool? Currently I'm running 'grunt watch' on this inside the theme folder to compile my stylesheets while also running 'npm start' to watch for theme file changes and update the development ghost environment. This is working fine, but I have to manually refresh the page each time to see changes.

Is there a better workflow for this type of work than running two seperate watchers? Is there a way to have live-reloading available?

Yes, this is generally the normal workflow. I'm usually OK with refreshing the browser after making changes (with Ctrl/Cmd+R), but if you want live reload, there's nothing stopping you from adding something like BrowserSync as an additional Grunt task. Check it out here:

There's a nice tutorial on Grunt + Sass + Browsersync at

Great! Thanks.

Would I be adding that task to the Linen Gruntfile or the Ghost Gruntfile? Front what I understand editing the Ghost Gruntfile might not be advised. I guess it doesn't matter what is doing the actual refreshing as long as everything is getting updated simultaneously? I don't have a ton of experience writing my own grunt tasks.

closed cause this is crazy old and not open