
`HighPriorityInUnbockedQueue` -- what does the name express?

sophiaIC opened this issue · 1 comments

Why is HighPriorityInUnbockedQueue called so? Does it hold that a cown with ptiotity 1 is “unblocked”? And what does “unblocked” mean? Does it mean that it is not in a MutedBy relation?

I've replaced this invariant with two that actually use the Blockers of a cown:

\* A cown is acquired by one of its blockers.
Blocker == \A c \in Cowns:
  blocker[c] \in Cowns => \E k \in Blockers(c): AcquiredBy(c, k)

\* All blockers of a high-priority cown are high-priority.
HighPriorityBlockersAreHighPriority ==
  \A c \in HighPriority(Cowns): \A k \in Blockers(c): priority[k] = 1