Send only sets a mutor when first receiver has high priority
lukecheeseman opened this issue · 6 comments
Send is defined as such:
Send(cown) ==
LET senders == CurrentMessage(cown) IN
/\ running[cown]
/\ fuel > 0
/\ \E receivers \in SUBSET Cowns:
/\ Cardinality(receivers) > 0
/\ queue' =
(Min(receivers) :> Append(queue[Min(receivers)], receivers)) @@ queue
/\ IF priority[Min(receivers)] = 1 THEN
LET prioritizing == Prioritizing({Min(receivers)}) IN
LET unmuting == LowPriority(prioritizing) IN
/\ priority' = [c \in prioritizing |-> 1] @@ priority
/\ scheduled' = [c \in unmuting |-> TRUE] @@ scheduled
/\ LET mutors == {c \in receivers \ senders: ValidMutor(c)} IN
/\ mutors /= {}
/\ mutor[cown] = Null
/\ \A c \in senders: priority[c] = 0
/\ \A c \in senders: c \notin receivers \* TODO: justify
/\ mutor' = (cown :> Min(mutors)) @@ mutor
/\ UNCHANGED <<mutor>>
/\ UNCHANGED <<scheduled, priority, mutor>>
/\ fuel' = fuel - 1
/\ UNCHANGED <<running, blocker, mute>>
I'm concerned about the guard:
/\ IF priority[Min(receivers)] = 1 THEN
Does this not mean that we will only select a mutor
if the priority of the first receiver is high?
I'm assuming that has to do with a cown being protected with high priority? But I would think this is the wrong way for this?
Send(cown) ==
LET senders == CurrentMessage(cown) IN
/\ cown \in running
/\ fuel > 0
/\ \E receivers \in SUBSET Cowns:
/\ Cardinality(receivers) > 0
/\ queue' = (Min(receivers) :> Append(queue[Min(receivers)], receivers)) @@ queue
/\ IF priority[Min(receivers)] = 1 THEN
LET prioritizing == Prioritise(Min(receivers)) IN
LET unmuting == LowPriority(prioritizing) IN
/\ priority' = [c \in prioritizing |-> 1] @@ priority
/\ scheduled' = scheduled \union unmuting
/\ UNCHANGED <<scheduled, priority>>
/\ LET mutors == {c \in receivers \ senders: Mutor(c)} IN
IF mutors /= {} /\ mutor[cown] = Null
/\ (\A c \in senders: priority[c] = 0)
/\ (\A c \in senders: c \notin receivers) \* TODO: justify
/\ mutor' = (cown :> Min(mutors)) @@ mutor
/\ UNCHANGED <<mutor>>
/\ fuel' = fuel - 1
/\ UNCHANGED <<running, blocker, mute>>
I don't see the path where if this cown sends to a muted cown, then the senders also get muted
Ignore this, i had conflated the receiver being high to unmute and make progress and the receiver being overloaded or muted to mute the sender
I'm going to reopen this to discusss it, I still don't understand why muting is guarded by checking the min receiver has a high priroity. @Theodus do you have any description?
This changes causes a deadlock. So it being this way is clearly important:
Error: Deadlock reached.
Error: The behavior up to this point is:
State 1: <Initial predicate>
/\ blocker = <<0, 0, 0, 0>>
/\ running = <<FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE>>
/\ scheduled = <<TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE>>
/\ priority = <<0, 0, 0, 0>>
/\ mute = <<{}, {}, {}, {}>>
/\ queue = <<<<{1}>>, <<{2}>>, <<{3}>>, <<{4}>>>>
/\ mutor = <<0, 0, 0, 0>>
/\ fuel = 4
State 2: <Prerun line 82, col 3 to line 88, col 54 of module backpressure>
/\ blocker = <<0, 0, 0, 0>>
/\ running = <<TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE>>
/\ scheduled = <<TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE>>
/\ priority = <<0, 0, 0, 0>>
/\ mute = <<{}, {}, {}, {}>>
/\ queue = <<<<{1}>>, <<{2}>>, <<{3}>>, <<{4}>>>>
/\ mutor = <<0, 0, 0, 0>>
/\ fuel = 4
State 3: <Send line 92, col 3 to line 113, col 41 of module backpressure>
/\ blocker = <<0, 0, 0, 0>>
/\ running = <<TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE>>
/\ scheduled = <<TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE>>
/\ priority = <<0, 0, 0, 0>>
/\ mute = <<{}, {}, {}, {}>>
/\ queue = <<<<{1}>>, <<{2}, {2}>>, <<{3}>>, <<{4}>>>>
/\ mutor = <<0, 0, 0, 0>>
/\ fuel = 3
State 4: <Send line 92, col 3 to line 113, col 41 of module backpressure>
/\ blocker = <<0, 0, 0, 0>>
/\ running = <<TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE>>
/\ scheduled = <<TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE>>
/\ priority = <<0, 0, 0, 0>>
/\ mute = <<{}, {}, {}, {}>>
/\ queue = <<<<{1}>>, <<{2}, {2}, {2}>>, <<{3}>>, <<{4}>>>>
/\ mutor = <<0, 0, 0, 0>>
/\ fuel = 2
State 5: <Complete line 117, col 3 to line 133, col 32 of module backpressure>
/\ blocker = <<0, 0, 0, 0>>
/\ running = <<FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE>>
/\ scheduled = <<TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE>>
/\ priority = <<0, 0, 0, 0>>
/\ mute = <<{}, {}, {}, {}>>
/\ queue = <<<<>>, <<{2}, {2}, {2}>>, <<{3}>>, <<{4}>>>>
/\ mutor = <<0, 0, 0, 0>>
/\ fuel = 2
State 6: <Prerun line 82, col 3 to line 88, col 54 of module backpressure>
/\ blocker = <<0, 0, 0, 0>>
/\ running = <<FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE>>
/\ scheduled = <<TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE>>
/\ priority = <<0, 1, 0, 0>>
/\ mute = <<{}, {}, {}, {}>>
/\ queue = <<<<>>, <<{2}, {2}, {2}>>, <<{3}>>, <<{4}>>>>
/\ mutor = <<0, 0, 0, 0>>
/\ fuel = 2
State 7: <Prerun line 82, col 3 to line 88, col 54 of module backpressure>
/\ blocker = <<0, 0, 0, 0>>
/\ running = <<FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE>>
/\ scheduled = <<TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE>>
/\ priority = <<0, 1, 0, 0>>
/\ mute = <<{}, {}, {}, {}>>
/\ queue = <<<<>>, <<{2}, {2}, {2}>>, <<{3}>>, <<{4}>>>>
/\ mutor = <<0, 0, 0, 0>>
/\ fuel = 2
State 8: <Prerun line 82, col 3 to line 88, col 54 of module backpressure>
/\ blocker = <<0, 0, 0, 0>>
/\ running = <<FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE>>
/\ scheduled = <<TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE>>
/\ priority = <<0, 1, 0, 0>>
/\ mute = <<{}, {}, {}, {}>>
/\ queue = <<<<>>, <<{2}, {2}, {2}>>, <<{3}>>, <<{4}>>>>
/\ mutor = <<0, 0, 0, 0>>
/\ fuel = 2
State 9: <Send line 92, col 3 to line 113, col 41 of module backpressure>
/\ blocker = <<0, 0, 0, 0>>
/\ running = <<FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE>>
/\ scheduled = <<TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE>>
/\ priority = <<0, 1, 0, 0>>
/\ mute = <<{}, {}, {}, {}>>
/\ queue = <<<<{1, 2}>>, <<{2}, {2}, {2}>>, <<{3}>>, <<{4}>>>>
/\ mutor = <<0, 0, 2, 0>>
/\ fuel = 1
State 10: <Complete line 117, col 3 to line 133, col 32 of module backpressure>
/\ blocker = <<0, 0, 0, 0>>
/\ running = <<FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE>>
/\ scheduled = <<TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE>>
/\ priority = <<0, 1, 0, 0>>
/\ mute = <<{}, {}, {}, {}>>
/\ queue = <<<<{1, 2}>>, <<{2}, {2}>>, <<{3}>>, <<{4}>>>>
/\ mutor = <<0, 0, 2, 0>>
/\ fuel = 1
State 11: <Complete line 117, col 3 to line 133, col 32 of module backpressure>
/\ blocker = <<0, 0, 0, 0>>
/\ running = <<FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE>>
/\ scheduled = <<TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE>>
/\ priority = <<0, 1, -1, 0>>
/\ mute = <<{}, {3}, {}, {}>>
/\ queue = <<<<{1, 2}>>, <<{2}, {2}>>, <<>>, <<{4}>>>>
/\ mutor = <<0, 0, 0, 0>>
/\ fuel = 1
State 12: <Prerun line 82, col 3 to line 88, col 54 of module backpressure>
/\ blocker = <<0, 0, 0, 0>>
/\ running = <<FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE>>
/\ scheduled = <<TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE>>
/\ priority = <<0, 0, -1, 0>>
/\ mute = <<{}, {3}, {}, {}>>
/\ queue = <<<<{1, 2}>>, <<{2}, {2}>>, <<>>, <<{4}>>>>
/\ mutor = <<0, 0, 0, 0>>
/\ fuel = 1
State 13: <Acquire line 64, col 3 to line 78, col 45 of module backpressure>
/\ blocker = <<2, 0, 0, 0>>
/\ running = <<FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE>>
/\ scheduled = <<FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE>>
/\ priority = <<0, 0, -1, 0>>
/\ mute = <<{}, {3}, {}, {}>>
/\ queue = <<<<>>, <<{2}, {2}, {1, 2}>>, <<>>, <<{4}>>>>
/\ mutor = <<0, 0, 0, 0>>
/\ fuel = 1
State 14: <Send line 92, col 3 to line 113, col 41 of module backpressure>
/\ blocker = <<2, 0, 0, 0>>
/\ running = <<FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE>>
/\ scheduled = <<FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE>>
/\ priority = <<0, 0, -1, 0>>
/\ mute = <<{}, {3}, {}, {}>>
/\ queue = <<<<>>, <<{2}, {2}, {1, 2}>>, <<{3}>>, <<{4}>>>>
/\ mutor = <<0, 3, 0, 0>>
/\ fuel = 0
State 15: <Complete line 117, col 3 to line 133, col 32 of module backpressure>
/\ blocker = <<2, 0, 0, 0>>
/\ running = <<FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE>>
/\ scheduled = <<FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE>>
/\ priority = <<0, -1, -1, 0>>
/\ mute = <<{}, {3}, {2}, {}>>
/\ queue = <<<<>>, <<{2}, {1, 2}>>, <<{3}>>, <<{4}>>>>
/\ mutor = <<0, 0, 0, 0>>
/\ fuel = 0
State 16: <Complete line 117, col 3 to line 133, col 32 of module backpressure>
/\ blocker = <<2, 0, 0, 0>>
/\ running = <<FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE>>
/\ scheduled = <<FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE>>
/\ priority = <<0, -1, -1, 0>>
/\ mute = <<{}, {3}, {2}, {}>>
/\ queue = <<<<>>, <<{2}, {1, 2}>>, <<{3}>>, <<>>>>
/\ mutor = <<0, 0, 0, 0>>
/\ fuel = 0
27760996 states generated, 7028036 distinct states found, 280309 states left on queue.
The depth of the complete state graph search is 18.
The average outdegree of the complete state graph is 1 (minimum is 0, the maximum 24 and the 95th percentile is 3).