
Crash when starting the extension

PhilipDaniels opened this issue · 20 comments

Installed product versions

  • Visual Studio: 2015 Professional Update 2
  • This extension:


When starting the extension (only tried it via View -> Other Windows -> ConEmu Console) I get a crash. After dismissing the crash notification dialogs, I can then repeat the above command and ConEmu opens correctly.
This only happens on my work laptop, on my home PC it does not happen.

Steps to recreate

  1. Open VS. Does not matter if there is a solution or not.
  2. Go View -> Other Windows -> ConEmu Console

Screenshots and Dumps

I have repeated the issue twice, and got some screenshots and dumps from ConEmu.

The first dump should be available here (69MB file):

Corresponding Images:


the assert error from your first post should be fixed in version of the extension.

For the crash, from your second post, I have to ask the conemu team to give me more infromations, because I don't have any debug symbols of conemu.



for the crash (Your second post) I opened this:

Hope I get soon some imformation from conemu team to understand what is going wrong there.


The "crash" has no sense because it's a result of "Retry" button in the Assertion dialog.

Anyway, you are using OldBuild.


I checked the dump after I got the symbols and as Maximus5 already told the dump tells the same as the assert message box.


Therefor should the assert and the crash be fixed with the extension with the version

@PhilipDaniels Please try again with the new version and tell me if the issue is solved.

@Maximus5 Thanks again for your time and the fast help. I really appreciate it.


Hi David,

Thanks for the quick response!

I have upgraded ConEmu (to 160619) and the add-in this morning. The crash appears to be fixed (it's a little early to tell for sure), however there is a regression.

1, Do View -> Other Windows -> ConEmu. You get a window showing the cmd prompt.
2. Open another ConEmu task. You now have two windows in ConEmu.
3. Close the first window by typing "exit".
4. The entire ConEmu window closes. It didn't used to do this (and is unexpected). I should still be seeing the ConEmu window displaying the task I started in 2).

@PhilipDaniels Are you sure ConEmu is closed? Have you checked its process in ProcessManager for example?

@Maximus5 the ConEmu integration window in Visual Studio is definitely gone, but you are right, the ConEmu process is still there running in the background.


Unfortunately I also got another crash while trying to reproduce this:


So it looks like the original problem is not yet fixed.

@PhilipDaniels hmm ok this is bad. Then I have to check this again. Unfortunately I couldn't reproduce this on my system anymore. I will do so further investigation this evening.

@Therena A little offtopic. There is some crazyness in how VS manage its panes... If I dock ConEmu pane into the bottom area (to the other tabs, like build output) and start the debugger, ConEmu pane disappers (but is not destroyed) and debug panes appear. I wonder, can ConEmu pane remain visible while VS switches debug/design modes? That would be especially useful for debugging console applications.

@PhilipDaniels Waht version of conemu have you now installed?
I have the extension and ConEmu 160619 [32].
I cannot reproduce the assert issue anymore (In the short time frame I tested until now).
But maybe your version is different.

@Therena It's in the screenshots above - 160619 [64]. The add-in is at

Installed via chocolatey, not that that should make a difference. Also, you can see my ConEmu.xml here

@PhilipDaniels Thanks I will try to set up the same this evening. It always easier to fix something if you can reproduce the issue ;)

@Maximus5 I moved your off topic to a dedicated enhancement: #4

@PhilipDaniels I have create an extra ticket for the unexpected close on the conemu pane: #5

I cannot reproduce the assert problem since the extension version
But I applied some more fixes that the pane cannot get a size of zero.

@PhilipDaniels Can you please retest with the extension

@PhilipDaniels I reproduced the unexpected close and fix the issue.
See Bug: #5

@Therena no crashes so far today! Don't close the issue yet, I will monitor for the next few days and close if it does not re-occur.

@PhilipDaniels ok, I will let it open for some time. Please keep me up to date.

@Therena I think this can be closed now, I have not experienced any issues over the last few days.