
interact method not loading trained model:

Fshrink opened this issue · 0 comments

The model is trained with:

model.train_model(train_file=">>>path to.json",
output_dir=">>>/outputs", show_running_loss=True, args=train_args

and creates the appropriate folder 'outputs', populated by the expected:

Screenshot from 2023-05-12 12-16-20



File "/home/nick/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/simpletransformers/conv_ai/", line 1069, in interact
for dataset in dataset.values()
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'values''

Train_file is a .json appropriately formatted.

This is on Linux, 22.10 and with all libraries up to date. Permissions are set appropriately

Apparently interact does not load the trained model. Does that mean there needs to be a personality to the method, as in Model.interact(personality=<>)..? I do not dare calling this a bug, although it could very well be (maybe a Linux thing?)

Any help or similar experience appreciated!