Doesn't work on php8.1.17 (Debian 10)
Closed this issue · 1 comments
// init.php
$timeFromDb = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
// "UPDATE dle_url_chapters SET chapter_parsed = '2023-03-23 18:29:27' WHERE = '48510'"
$a0_query = "UPDATE dle_url_chapters SET chapter_parsed = '$timeFromDb' WHERE = '$chapter_id'";
$db->query($a0_query); // line 90
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught mysqli_sql_exception: MySQL server has gone away in /db/MysqliDb.php:1998
Stack trace:
#0 /db/MysqliDb.php(1998): mysqli->prepare()
#1 /db/MysqliDb.php(1601): MysqliDb->_prepareQuery()
#2 /db/MysqliDb.php(662): MysqliDb->_buildQuery()
#3 /init.php(90): MysqliDb->query()
#4 {main}
thrown in /db/MysqliDb.php on line 1998
Can you try changing that line on your local copy?
- if ($this->traceEnabled)
+ if (isset($this->traceEnabled) && $this->traceEnabled)
Found this being used in some old code at work and figured I'd try and do a batch fix for some of the smaller issues. Seems to me like the lack of a default value is causing an error here