
[Psi Ops] Treatment of FMV cutscenes introduces problems if non-16:9 aspect ratio is used

emtilt opened this issue · 3 comments

The following problems were observed in Psi-Ops on a Win 7 x64 system with an AMD card.

When set to a 16:9 aspect ratio resolution, the current version of the widescreen patch seems to align the FMV videos on the left of the screen without stretching them. That is, it seems to de-center the cutscenes, but their 4:3 video format (including their hard coded letterboxing) is preserved. However, this approach does not seem to work correctly if a non-16:9 aspect ratio is used. For example, if the widescreen patch is used to set the game to a previously-unsupported 4:3 aspect ratio, such as 1440x1080, then the FMV cutscenes have a heavily distorted aspect ratio. They are aligned to the left of the screen, but they do not extend all the way to the right as they should, instead squishing toward the left such that the image is vertically stretched. Ideally, the FMV cutscenes should have their 4:3 aspect ratio preserved regardless of the aspect ratio of the resolution chosen.

I think I tried to fix it at some point but didn't manage to do so. Better luck next time I guess.
This version of dinput8 May 2016 works as it should. FMV videos do not get to the left side, but stretch, as expected, if you disable FixHUD.

@legionpheonix how to disable FixHUD?